Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, March 5, 2007

Life on Break ;)

My dear people, can you feel that?

.....Ahhhhhh, YESSSSSSSSS………

It’s officially Spring Break, and that’s the feeling of actually being able to breathe IN and OUT once again……

And the first order of business on my agenda? To end all world hunger? To replenish the ozone? To single-handedly end the war in Israel and promote World Peace? Ha ha, nope, nope, nope, and nope. As noble as those all are, during this most holy of Spring Breaks, I seem to have found an even higher calling. A calling most noble, most daring and true, and dare I say it, more daunting than all the rest…….

The Divine Calling to Clean my Room.

Ha ha ha, yeah, I know, I know, you're like "What?..........."
But because of finals, I haven’t even been able to touch it in like two straight WEEKS…... You see, I’m in the animation program, and when we say finals, we mean FINALS! As in pouring your heart and soul into the creation of many and various animated projects and pieces, for many, many, many countless and sleepless nights. But by time it’s all said and done, you take a sweet final look, and it’s totally worth it, and you find yourself falling in love with the profession all over again :)

But needless to say, that doesn’t leave much time for those “ever-and-so important” household goodies, such as cleaning my room, and right now mine just looks like an absolute WAR-ZONE……. It’s nuts! But that’s not the only thing I'll be tackleling this break. Oh no, no no no. I also intend to be moved in the power of the Holy Spirit and finally Lay Hands on my LAUNDRY........ (Ha ha ha!). I don’t know about all of you , but I’m just looking forward to having that sweet “Downy Freshness” of my clothing back again (that, and the fact that I'm really tired of having to play the “Smell and Guess which Sock is Clean” game..... he he he….)
........ And my nose REJOICES :)

But don’t worry folks, this break shan’t be filled with just chores and no more, oh no, no, no, no, no………. You see, that's just to get it all out of the way at the beginning, so that I can truly and genuinely be able to enjoy the rest of the time just for me……… Ha ha, YES! Monique Time! Yep, God and I are going on a little vacation, and when we get back, I hope to have received a wonderful refreshing from the Lord, and an amazing new vision for the new Session. Amazing things are about to happen People, I can just feel it! And I just so and completely want to be ready for it.

So later folks, and Ta-Ta for now, I gotta go and immerse myself in the fact that it’s actually Monday evening, and I don’t have not ONE class or assignment to go to or due………

WOOHOO!!! YES! Ha ha, Spring Break, Here I come!

Later Friends,

~Mo :)

Hey Hey Hey!

Hey Guys! My name is Monique Coleman, and I'm a digital Animation and Production major here at Regent. God has really given me a heart of fire for the film industry at large, and I absolutely love it with a passion, live action in particular. My heart is to see filmed restored and used for His Glory, in a way that is RELEVANT to everyday and real people's lives and shows them the real hope that is Christ, instead of being horribly cheesy and turning them off. It's such a powerful tool, lets not waste it people. There is definitely a difference between a christian movie and a christian who makes movies. And I plan, by His grace, to be that difference. This is my second year here at the school, and my plan is to hopefully graduate by Dec. 2008, and to actually start to see that happen. But for the time that I'm here, definitely plan to glean and learn all I can that will strengthen me for the industry later. I so can't wait, it's so EXCITING!!!

On another note, I also have been blessed with the amazing honor of being one of the two Communication Reps serving on the Regent Undergraduate Council (RUC). So for all of you Communications students out there, if you ever need anything, need to voice an opinion, or just have a question, please feel free to contact me, we listen! We want the undergrad experience to become a downright amazing one, and way too much goes by when people are quiet. So don't be afraid to shout it out! Feel free to shoot me an email anytime at I already have the privilege of knowing a lot of you, and for those I don't, I definitely want the chance to change that and get to. Sound good? Great! :D

So can I just start of by saying that it's SPRING BREAK!?!?!?!!!!! WAHOOOOOO!!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!! School work is over baby, and Spring Break is HERE!!!!! YEAH! Oh man, wow, can you tell that I'm so and completely excited? I was so ready for this, it was so time, and the fact that we don't have any homework and actually get to rest in between classes makes it ten times even better. I absolutely love the fact of having absolutely NOTHING to do...... Woohoo!

So see you all later, I gotta go soak up some of this AMAZING weather, and not have a care in the WORLD! Ha ha!

Later Friends,

~Mo ;)
The publisher/owner of this website, Monique Coleman, is solely responsible for decisions regarding site content. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of Regent University and Regent University assumes no liability for any material appearing herein.